


Mr. Moore
Sky News
Ms. Oprah


Friday, October 07, 2005


Birthday Photos

Your Majesty

Let’s see… I’ve been doing A LOT of work …and recently I just did work on a TV show. I really enjoyed that experience. I was ALMOST in total charge of the set. Of course there is someone called, The Producer…who is above me…but other than that, I was pretty much in charge of the set around me. Pretty interesting experience. I felt like a complete Nazi. I had to keep everything together, set up the shots, direct the talents, keep an eye on the art direction, make sure the food arrived to everyone’s satisfaction, keep the production money in order, source for locations… the list goes on and on. I didn’t get yelled at very much and I was the darling of the set. How cool. But the fucking gay men who were our guests on the show…oh my lord…what a fucking pain in the backside they were (sometimes). I have never met men who were such complete DIVAS…they are the ultimate QUEENS… and I don’t mean in a respectable “royal” kind of way. They acted more like spoilt brats who could give a shit about anyone but themselves. The things they said on set were apalling! If I could have slapped them without getting my eyeballs scratched out, I would have loved to have done so…but they still are, above all the Queenie-nes, MEN…and they were a lot bigger than me…so I stayed away. WHAT- ever!

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